Our Ancestors
Pvt Benjamin J. Nott, 36th Ohio Infantry, Co A
Pvt Thomas M. Cook, 56th NY Co. K
Pvt Samuel W. Craig, 6th PA Cavalry, Co. E
Pvt John P. Lournsbury, 6th NY Heavy Artillery, Co. C
Pvt Johnson Foster, 5th NY Cavalry, Co. G
Cpl Peter Grevenig, 41st NY Infantry, Co. C
Pvt John Tyler Brewer, 7th Kentucky Infantry, Co. D
Sgt Ludwig Stamm, 5th PA Cavalry, Co. B
Sgt John Murphy, Kentucky, Army of the Cumberland
Sgt Christian Hofsaess, 15th NY Heavy Artillery, Co. B
Pvt James Francis Meagher, 47th, NY Co. I
Pvt Henry B. Simmons, 6th Ohio Cavalry, Co. F
Pvt James Scott, 2nd NY Cavalry, Co. C
Pvt William Williams, 17th CT Infantry, Co. E
Pvt James Little, 81st NY Infantry, Co. F
Landsman Michael Lynch Fox, US Navy
Teamster John Levens, 99th PA
Pvt Ezra Pearsall, 127th NY Infantry, Co. E
Pvt Joseph Clements Randolph, 30th NJ Infantry, Co. H
Cpl George Adams Stevens, 11th NJ Infantry, Co. H
Pvt Herman Brower, 2nd NY Heavy Artillery, Co. B
Pvt Alonzo Harper, 8th CT Infantry, Co. E
Pvt Alfred Fairhurst, 8th NY Co. A
Pvt William Strouse, 18th NY Cavalry, Co. I
Pvt Samuel Hearn, 5th US Infantry, Co. B
Pvt Thomas C. Stanley, 28th CT Infantry, Co. B
Pvt Moses Middleswarth, MD Infantry, Purnells Legion, Co. F
Pvt Joseph Buser, 52nd NY Infantry, Co. H
Cpl Henry Orthofer, 4th NY Cavalry, Co. I and F
Pvt August Speer, 70th NY, Co. D
Pvt James Murray, 4th US Infantry, Co. K
Pvt Loren Thompson Stanton, 134th NY Infantry, Co. G
Pvt Adolph H. Schumann, 1st NJ Artillery, Co. C
Pvt Andrew Holland, 21st Ct Infantry, Co. C
Pvt John Collins, 140th Ohio National Guard, Co. I
Pvt Charles R. Smith, 48th Ohio Infantry, Co. D
Pvt Henry Dike, 6th MA Infantry, Co. L
Cpl Joseph Braxmeier, 41st NY Infantry, Co. B
Pvt Charles Pitman Camburn, 9th NJ Infantry, Co. D
Pvt Martin Dott, 7th NY Heavy Artillery, Co. F
Pvt William Buckingham, Luther’s Independent Co, Pa
Pvt Christopher Sheridan, 96th NY Infantry, Co. I
Cpl Seeley Bovier, 80th PA Cavalry, Co. C
Pvt Edward Wyer, 78th LA USCT, Co. (6th Corp D Afrique)
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